Bio Jochen Hunger
Studies in architecture and urbanism, Stuttgart / Paris, diploma 1987. Founding member of the experimental platform LAB F AC (Laboratory for architecture) in 1983. Building projects for Hilti AG (Liechtenstein). Freelance project manager 1996 - 2004, hit by Expo 2000 in Hannover. Collaboration with Francois Confino (Lussan, France) and Axel Hüttinger (Schwaig, Germany), era of scenographic constructivism begins. Since 2005 director of jh Museum & exhibition design in Erlangen (Germany). 2011 hit again, this time by Gershenfeld's Fab Lab idea, hence 2012 founder of the initiative ICH KANN! and 2013 co-founder of makerspace@ecsite.
Ever since testing the idea “think with your hands”, within a large network of specialists. Actually exploring the possibility of open-ended experiences within museums, science centres and exhibitions, together with inspired collaborators (see LEGO-Robo, Kreativstudios experimenta, both accomplished in 2019).