The Temporary Museum of Creativity, Erlangen, 2011
At the beginning of all activities is curiosity. New tools allow the production of other products. And do-it-yourself is now called do-it-with-others. For a fortnight the inhabitants of the Nuremberg Metropolitan Region were invited to explore their design ideas in a stimulating hi-tech workshop using 3D plotters, laser cutters, transfer presses, laptops, sewing machines, and with colors, building blocks and flying objects. The result was the temporary museum of creativity. It's not a museum or a science center, not a fab lab or a hands-on exhibition - it's just in the air. We are one of the lucky initiators of ICH KANN! - and look forward to new adventures in this exciting space.
Area: 380 m²
Initiative ICH KANN!: Markus Edgar Hormeß, Jochen Hunger, Michael Niqué, Katarina Poetzsch-Meinhardt, Berndt Richter and Frank Seiferlein
With: Lara Dade, Moira Drexler, Mona Graafmann, Sophia Herold, Carolin Hofer, Matthias Kutsch, Constanze Mareike, Hanna Oberle , Friederike Rasper, Claudia Schnupp, Britta Speer, Markus Stoll